Posted on: 29 November 2010

Portion of a lion capital and a statue of Ganga, from Beshnagar, Bhopal State - 1875.

Photograph of a portion of a lion capital and a statue of Ganga, from Besnagar, taken by Joseph David Beglar in the 1870s. Besnagar is located at a fork between the rivers Betwa and Bes. It was a large city from the Mauryan period onwards which has been confirmed from the coins found at the site. A large number of sculptures have also been found there, and capitals of pillars are particularly common. In a report written at that time, A. Cunningham wrote, "Close by [one of the sites at near Beshnagar], in the house of a Sadhu, were found a small lion of the Gupta period and a large figure of the Ganges standing on her crocodile, which must certainly have belonged to a temple of the Gupta age. Both figures are in excellent condition."

Source : British Library

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The lion capital looks like our national emblem (Mauryan period), but the Ganga figurine is Gupta age.

just a thought...i have no expertise in this subject.. but it can be representation Narmada rather then Ganga..just think about it..the proximity of the city and significance of Narmada in that region...

Ganga stands on Makara and Yamuna stands on turtle..this is definitely Ganga